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This, the 29th issue of Clockwise Cat, is laden with venomous invective and enriching reviews! Our treasured scribes searingly satirize e-books, contemporary poetry, political approaches to immigration and abortion, the educated class, environmentalists (or, rather, enemies to environmentalists), and holiday bigotry. Satirical savvy gives way to more pointed polemics such as that written by Edwin Young about the malevolent 1%. Elsewhere, there are not one but THREE tirades about the egregious treatment of public school teachers, a punishing view into the follies and fallacies of a misogynist George Will, a scathing perspective on overpopulation, and an erudite meditation on poetics. David McLean heads up the review section with his usual prolific stream of appraisals of recently released small press chapbooks and tomes. We also feature film reviews, music reviews, and book reviews. Enjoy these satirical and review offerings at your own peril, for they might just induce a dangerous expansion of your own puny mind!

Invective: Satyre

Why the Environmentalists are a Bunch of Lousy, Whining Punks by Daniel Galef

The Seasons That Don’t Change by Matt Kolbet

The Educated Class at Play by Michael Andreoni

E-Reader Accessories for the Terminally Indolent by Fred D. White

A New Use for Contemporary Poetry by Douglas J. Ogurek

Reframing the Debate by Matt Kolbet

Invective: Polemix

The Power of the Top 1% by Edwin Young

Society’s Scapegoats by Alison Ross

More Teachers like You by Francis Hahn

Poetics 1 by Kurt Cline

George Will’s Words of Folly by Rudy Ravindra

Monster Required by Michael Andreoni

My Lifelong Agony and Hope for the Future by Edwin Young

AP Bonus? No Thanks. by Francis Hahn


Alison Ross’s Clockwise Cats (Book Review) by David McLean

Puma Perl’s Retrograde (Book Review) by David McLean

Michael McAloran’s Abattoir Whispers (Book Review) by David McLean

Wolfgang Carsten’s and Janne Karlsson’s Enjoy Oblivion (Book Review) by David McLean

Reuben Wooley’s The king is dead (Book Review) by David McLean

Felino Soriano’s Espials (Book Review) by Hala Hoagland

Almost Like William Shatner – NOT! (Movie Review) by Kurt Cline

Smoking Tobacco on Painted Mountains (CD Mini-reviews) by Alison Ross

Faux-topia: The Gift of the Giver (Film Review) by Alison Ross

Femmehood: The Unexpected Feminist Subtext of Boyhood (Film Review) by Alison Ross

Old Souls, but Just Kids (Book Review) by Alison Ross





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