The United States government disgracefully and appallingly targets the bulk of its tax revenue toward bombing babies rather than on rearing them in creative, compassionate climates. In other words, the United States government prizes warfare above welfare.
The US is the terrifying antithesis of what the propaganda purports it to be. Propaganda would have us revel in (delusional) visions of a beatific land of freedom and opportunity.
Instead, as the Nation reports, “While a sliver of top earners are doing better than they ever have before, for tens of millions of Americans, insecurity—and, for a distressing number, destitution—is the new norm.”
Indeed, as the Nation additionally reports, “A far higher portion of the population lives in poverty than was the case in the mid-1970s, after a decade of investment stemming from Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty.”
The article goes onto say that Romania is the only exception to the fact America has the highest percentage of destitute kids among developed nations.
Meanwhile, as the Business Insider reports, “As the economy has tanked, the banks have been bailed out, and America lost its jobs, the defense budget continues to grow.”
Furthermore, it says, “For the past 13 years U.S. military spending has increased 114 percent.”
In fact, the report says, “The amount of money labeled ‘wasted’ or ‘lost’ in Iraq — $11 billion — could pay 220,000 teacher salaries” – and hence, be invested in educating children rather than destroying them.
Do we as a nation want this?
Or are we complacently, immorally, shamefully resigned to this?
United States Military Spending