Skullwise Cat is dedicated to an AmeriKKKa flailing toward the final death throes of democracy. The pieces herein were not all necessarily sculpted with that vividly in mind, but the editor is ever-vigilant of the fact that Donald J. Trump’s “election” to the presidency is the last nail in the coffin of what was always a mostly faux-democracy/demockery to begin with. With that in mind, we still think ALL the pieces in this issue in some way attempt to subvert the fascist ethos embodied by the Trump/Bannon/Pence Trio of Tyrants. What is art, anyway, but a radical reaction to corrosive conformity? In this issue, we spotlight the precious poesie and vivid visuals of Marcia Arrieta as our Featured Femme; we flaunt rad verse by Jeri Thompson, Linda Leedy Schneider, Maria A. Arana, Jenean Gilstrap, Mel Waldman, Michael Lee Johnson, and so many more searing scribes; and we vaunt mad art by PD Lyons, Bob Heman, Bill Wolak, Nelly Sanchez, and more. We also brandish FIVE stinging screeds and satires of Trump as well as a raging rant against the Democrats by Steven Singer. And, finally, there are the REVIEWS. Resident book reviewer Cindy Hochman wields her ink-sword to lavishly laud BECOMING LYLA DORE, by Teri Youmans Grimm, and yours truly offers forth appraisals of magnificent musicians Big Grams and The Faint, the mesmerizing movie Moonlight, and the bold books Coagulations by Jayne Cortez and Cured by former Cure member Lol Tolhurst.